ISMA-USD Statement of Ethics

As conference organizers, it is our duty to uphold the standard that all publications which are presented at our conference are obtained through ethical means and that all author contributions are credited appropriately.

As organizers of the ISMA-USD conference we expect all of our authors to take into account the following set of publication ethics guidelines:

  1. Each contribution submitted for presentation and publication should be original and unique. Submitted papers must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere and authors are not expected to submit multiple submissions on highly similar research. This includes similarity in topic, methodology and results.
  2. For each contribution, all of the presented content should either be original work by the authors or the original authors have to be acknowledged properly. Any work that is copied, paraphrased or reproduced from other sources should be acknowledged correctly. This also holds in case authors re-use part of their own work.
  3. In case any part of the paper is generated or corrected through the use of artificial intelligence, this should be explicitly mentioned.
  4. It is a requirement that all people who have contributed to the submission should be credited properly. Contributors should only be listed as an author, however, when their contribution was more than trivial. All authors should also consent with publication of the work and every author should also always be able to explain the contribution of each of the co-authors to the submission.
  5. All research results are expected to be obtained in line with the standards or legal requirements that have been set in the field of research, if applicable.
  6. In addition, any results obtained have to be presented fully and accurately. This means that any figure, graph, data, etc. should not be altered or partially represented.

Plagiarism & Misconduct: ISMA-USD fully adopts the KU Leuven policy on research integrity. This means that the ISMA-USD organization will not allow papers to violate any of the 'Violations of Research Integrity' (Defining violations of research integrity) such as falsification, fabrication and plagiarism.  Additional information on how KU Leuven and its employees deal with this can be found here.

The organizers of our conference strongly believe in the value of these guidelines. As a consequence, submissions that do not conform to this standard will not be accepted. Any questions or complaints can be directed to